Easylife Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction

At Easylife we are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information. We will comply with applicable data protection and privacy legislation including the Australian Privacy Principles as contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This Privacy Policy applies to any personal information we collect about you and sets out how we collect, use, store and disclose such personal information. "Personal information" means information that identifies an individual or could reasonably identify them. For example, this type of information could include your name, contact details and address.

By ordering from our website, email catalogue or promotions , you consent to receiving emails, promotions and catalogues which promote and market our products, brands  and services, or the products and services of others from time to time, and to our collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe from our email communications at any time by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in any promotional or marketing email received from Easylife, or by contacting us using the details set out below.

  1. The type of information we collect

Where possible, we collect personal information directly from you.  We will only collect personal information to the extent that it is required for the purposes made clear to you in this Privacy Policy or at the time of collection. 

The personal information we collect about you may include:

  • your name;
  • contact details (e.g. email, phone number, mobile number, address);
  • information about your business (if applicable);
  • information about the products you view on our website for re-marketing purposes;
  • information about your shopping preferences or purchase history;
  • in the case of job applicants information about your qualifications, education, professional experience, employment history, referee details, citizenship/residency details;
  • other information that you may provide to us from time to time or that we may collect during the course of providing products and services to you; and
  • information from enquiries you have made.

If we need to make payment arrangements with you, we may also collect one or more of credit card information, debit card information, EFT information, bank account and similar financial information.

In addition to personal information (i.e. information that identifies you individually), we may also collect information that relates to you but which has been anonymised or otherwise de-identified; this information is statistical in nature.

We do not usually seek to collect health information or other sensitive information as defined by Australian law from you. However, if personal information provided by you also includes health information or other sensitive information as defined by Australian law, you consent to us holding, using or disclosing such health information or other sensitive personal information consistent with your reason for disclosing it (for example, resolving a complaint).

  1. How we collect personal information

Generally, Easylife collects your personal information directly from you, including when you become an Easylife customer, register with any of our marketing programs, place an order with us or complete any order form, establish an account, visit our website, subscribe to marketing and sales material, enter a trade promotion or competition, complete an online form on one of our online advertisements that is placed on a third party website, complete and return to us, return or exchange a product where we request you to verify your identity, provide feedback via phone, e-mail, speak with us, or one of our representatives directly during a product or sales enquiry.

For job applicants, we may receive personal information from third parties, including from your referees when conducting professional reference checks. If we do, we will protect it as set out in this Privacy Policy.

If you provide us with information about any third party, you must obtain that person's permission to give us the information and inform them that you have given the information to us.

We may collect information about you from a third party or a publicly available source, but only if you have consented to such collection, or would reasonably expect us to collect your personal information in this way.

We also collect information about you indirectly through browser tracking cookies, mobile app reporting and webpage pixel tags when you use our website and apps.

In addition to storing your information in physical files, we use a number of electronic systems to record and store your personal and other information, including database systems and web database systems.

We collect and hold personal information that you provide via our websites or directly, this data is collected and managed by Easylife. If you provide your personal information to a third party via a link from an Easylife website, that information is collected and managed by those third parties. You should familiarise yourself with their privacy policy prior to deciding whether you wish to provide them with your information.

Easylife also collects personal information (which may include sensitive information) from its employees (past, current and future) in order to provide a range of employment related services.

  1. Purpose of collection

Within the general purpose of allowing us to carry out our business activities and functions, the purpose for which we collect your person information includes:

  • for marketing and promotional purposes, including to send you information about our products and services, competitions or other promotions and value-add services that we think may be of interest to you;
  • to create your account and provide services and products to you;
  • to send you catalogues and emails;
  • to answer your inquiries and deliver customer service to you;
  • to tell you about other products that we think may be of interest to you;
  • to meet our legal obligations;
  • to manage and resolve any legal, consumer or commercial complaints and issues; and
  • to carry out other functions with your specific consent.

For job applicants, the information we collect about you will be used for recruitment purposes.

  1. Use and disclosure of personal information

In the course of conducting our business and providing our products and services to you, we may disclose your personal information. We only use and disclose personal information for the purposes for which it was given to us or for purposes which are directly related to one of our functions or activities, or otherwise in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We may also disclose your personal information if you have consented to the disclosure; you would reasonably expect or have been told that your information will be passed to those individuals, businesses or agencies; where we believe disclosure is necessary to prevent injury to life or health; or as otherwise required by law.

We may disclose your personal information to our business partners to carry out marketing activities, and to companies that perform services on our behalf such as printers, post suppliers, delivery companies, data entry service providers, trade, account management providers, IT companies that manage and maintain our database, survey companies acting on our behalf and digital marketing agencies, professional advisers (such as lawyers or auditors), payment systems operators and financial institutions, upon lawful request from law enforcement agencies or government authorities and any persons acting on your behalf including those persons nominated by you, executors, trustees and legal representatives. If we engage third party providers, we take reasonable steps to ensure that they will comply with applicable privacy requirements, before we share your personal information with them.

From time to time we facilitate offers from reputable companies that have products and services that we consider may interest you. For this purpose, we may share your personal information with these third party companies to enable those companies to contact you with offers. These companies are not permitted to retain any customer information unless you actively express interest in their products or services and you can tell any of these companies to stop sending you marketing material at any time by using the opt out option provided in the marketing materials they may send to you.

For job applicants, the information we collect about you may be disclosed to third party service providers who provide recruitment related services to us.

  1. Security of your personal information

We have implemented generally accepted standards of technology and operational security to ensure that your personal information is stored securely and is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We use secure servers, and industry standard data encryption whenever we are receiving or transferring your personal information online. While we endeavour to ensure your personal information is protected, we cannot guarantee the security of personal information you disclose to us. Where required to do so, we will notify you promptly in the event of any breach of your personal information. The personal information that we collect about you is stored on our database servers and filing systems in the United States of America. If you request for us to do so, we will note your customer record as 'deleted', which means it will not be used for any purpose (such as marketing). However, your customer name and number will still remain in our database as it will be attached to historical transactions.

  1. Promotional communications

We are committed to compliance relating to the use of your personal information. We engage in direct marketing to our customers (for example, though a catalogue, email, SMS/TXT message or direct mail, including sharing your information with companies that have interesting offers). You may reasonably expect us to use your personal information for that purpose. If we collect your personal information from you, we may continue to use that personal information for the purpose of direct marketing to you for so long as we have not received an ‘opt out’ request from you. If we collect your personal information from a third party, we may continue to use that personal information for the purpose of direct marketing to you, subject to your consent to do so unless it is impracticable to obtain such consent, for so long as we have not received an ‘opt out’ request from you.

If you would like to ‘opt out’ from receiving direct marketing communications from us, please use the “unsubscribe" link in any promotional or marketing email received from Easylife or contact us using our contact details below. If you would like to request that we do not use or disclose your personal information for the purpose of facilitating  offers by third parties or to identify the source of the personal information we hold about you, please contact us as set out below. We will action your request within a reasonable period.

  1. Anonymity

Where we can, we will allow you to deal with us anonymously. However, in some circumstances, Easylife may need to collect your personal information to provide you with a delivery or other service. In some cases, if you do not provide the required personal information we will not be able to provide you with that service. If we receive information about you from a third party and it is not information we need in respect of our business activities, we will destroy or de-identify that information (provided it is lawful to do so). If we receive information in error we will act promptly to remove the content.

  1. Cookies

We use email open and click tracking including cookies, a single pixel image for tracking and link redirects for tracking clicks, for us to get a better understanding of which email communications are of most interest to you so we can provide you with a better experience by sending relevant and interesting email communications.

We may use remarketing through Google Analytics and other third party providers to advertise online. Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small element of data that our website may send to your computer. Our use of cookies helps us to provide you with a better experience during your use of our website by allowing us to understand what areas of the site are of interest to you. You may configure your web browser to not accept cookies. Please note however that our website may not work as intended if you disable or prevent the placement of certain cookies.

  1. Data hosting and international data transfers

Our websites are professionally hosted and operate in a secure environment. We take website and credit card security extremely seriously, and always endeavour to provide a secure safe platform on which to conduct online transactions. To make sure you are accessing a secure server, check for the unbroken key or closed lock symbol located generally either at the bottom left or top right of your browser window. If it appears, then SSL is active.

Your personal information may be disclosed to our business partners and Easylife's service providers in Australia and overseas. The countries this information may be disclosed to will vary from time to time, but may include Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Sometimes we use third party platforms and services to process sales, provide web support, send marketing messages, deliver products or otherwise deliver information. These services are hosted and managed by organisations other than us, and some of these services are hosted overseas. You consent to the disclosure of your information to our business partners and third party service providers including those located in Australia and overseas. 

  1. Access and correction

You are able to request access and changes to the personal information we hold about you, as well as to withdraw any consent or object to any use of your personal information, via our website or contact centre. If we are unable to give you access to the information you have requested, we will give you reasons for this decision when we respond to your request. You will not be charged for accessing your information, although we might have to charge the reasonable cost of processing your request, including photocopying, administration and postage. We will advise you of any fee payable before we process your request. If you believe that your personal information is not accurate, please call us on 1300 963 369 or email us at customer.service@easylife.com.au.

We normally seek to remove, delete or destroy personal information from our records as soon it is no longer required. However, there may be circumstances where such removal, deletion or destruction is either delayed or not possible, including in the case of historical transactions.

  1. Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may review this policy from time to time by posting an updated version on our website. We recommend you regularly review the policy when you visit our website. This document represents our privacy policy as at May 2024.

  1. Privacy enquiries or concerns

If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by Easylife, please contact us at the details below.

You should include enough information to allow us to identify you and understand your enquiry or concern.  All privacy enquiries and concerns will be reviewed, investigated (if required) and responded to within a reasonable timeframe. 

If we are unable to resolve your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (https://www.oaic.gov.au, 1300 363 992).

  1. Contact

If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the manner in which your personal information has been collected or handled by Easylife, would like to request access to or correction of the personal information we hold about you, or would like Easylife to send you a hard copy of this policy, please contact us at:

By email:              customer.service@easylife.com.au

By mail:                The Privacy Officer
Easylife Australia Pty Ltd
Unit 2, 1 Prosperity Parade
Warriewood, NSW, 2102

By phone:            1300 963 369